Monday 6 February 2012

Mookirattai (Boerhavia diffusa)

Mookirattai – As per its name, this invaluable herb even differs in its medicinal qualities. Its botanical name is Boerhavia diffusa. This herbal plant spreads as a creeper widely on the ground. This herb is also called as Mookurattai, Moocharaicharanai and Sattaranai. Its roots have the medicinal quality, which you can clean, dry and grind them to powder. This powder (chooranam) is used for treating certain medical conditions. The powder obtained from its roots and dry flakes of the root can be used for treating various medical ailments independently.

Mookirattai is believed to offer longevity. One can also retain his or her youth having this herb regularly.  The herb is capable of enhancing your eyesight. It set rights your urinary system. Diuretics that you might take for your urinal problems are not good for the kidneys in the long run. They also greatly reduce your potassium level in the blood. Mookirattai is the natural diuretics, which doesn’t yield any adverse effects on your system and generates essential potassium.

Mookirattai is also considered for treating certain skin disorders like leprosy. It improves your digestion to a great extent. Actually it can be used as a mild laxative to facilitate evacuation of the bowels. The leaves of the herbal creeper can be cooked and taken in a curry or chutney form.  It avoids constipation and gives a glow to your body. This herb is widely used in Siddha practice. Let us see some of its common recipes.


To cure Mugavaadham 
Mookirattai powder from the dry root flakes 20gm, Maavilanga stem flakes 20gm, Vellai Charanai root powder 20gm – Mix all these in 250ml of water and soak it overnight. The next day morning, boil the mixture till it reduces to 50ml, allow it to cool and extract the decoction. If you take this decoction adding 60ml of Nandukal Parpam in empty stomach daily after brushing for about 60 to 90 days, you can get relieved from Mugavadham.
To enhance eyesight
You can have Mookirattai root powder both in the morning and evening mixing it with honey. It strengthens your weakened eyesight and cures night blindness. It was also used for treating glaucoma in ancient times.
To cure jaundice
Take one handful of Mookirattai root, Bermuda grass (Arugampul) and Keezhanelli and add 10 numbers of grounded black pepper. Grind them together and boil the mixture in half a liter of water till it reduces to quarter liter. Allow it to cool and extract the decoction. If you take this decoction both morning and evening, you will get relieved from jaundice, inflammation, anemia and water swelling.
To cure cold, cough and asthma
Take a handful of Mookirattai root and Arugampul and add 10 numbers of grounded black pepper to them. Boil all the ingredients in half a liter of water till it reduces to quarter liter. Allow it to cool and extract the decoction. Take the decoction three times a day. This relieves your cold cough, asthma as well as keezhvaadham and wheezing. It eases your chest from congestion as well as the deficiency in the heart function.
The above are the home remedies, which you can simply practice at home. For chronic ailments you can contact a Siddha practitioner to get the correct form of dosage and cure.

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