Monday 27 June 2011

Indian Herbs in Siddha Medicine

In this modern world due to the influence of western culture and the changing lifestyle of people in India, we have lost something that is valuable. Yes, what I am mentioning here is about "Siddha Medicine" which inherits ageless Indian herbs.

In olden days, South Indian kitchens used to have "Anjarai Petti" holding the basic ingredients which are not only meant for the mouth watering south Indian dishes but also for health of the inmates of the house. The middle section of the box always had turmeric that has antiseptic properties. The next medicinal ingredient is the "Jeera" (Cumin seeds). People of today consume it as sugar coated sweet balls.

People eat Pizza just to show some attitude and disregard the healthy Indian foods that are prepared involving many ageless Indian herbs. Keep it in mind, Pizza does not contain the basic ingredient involved in any kind of Indian dishes - the turmeric which is a valuable herb especially grown in India. We neglect the honey and palm jaggery and consume crystalline sugar inviting diabetes.

Those who drink Coke are not aware of the values of "Paanagam" (Drink made at home using jaggery, dry ginger). Saints say that have your basic food in the form of medicine and keep away all the diseases away from you. Medicine practiced abroad does not eradicate the diseases but our Indian medicines analyze the root cause of the disease and eradicate them.

For example, you generally get cold when you eat ice creams. But this should not happen even if you have 4 to 5 ice creams at the same time. Siddha and Ayurveda completely prepare your body for this condition. Your body is fertilized to prevent the attacks of these diseases.

Indian medicines do not cause any side effects. There are certain medicines in Siddha practice that totally destroy the traces of diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes etc. The herbs like Terminalia Arjuna (the seed of Marudha tree), Hibiscus leaves and Withania Somnifera (Aswagandha) are capable of destroying the heart diseases.

More such Indian herbs will be discussed later.

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