Tuesday 28 June 2011



One of the herbs that offer various health benefits to the human body is "Manathakkali" or Black Nightshade.

Manathakkali is said to offer coldness to the body but it can grow even on dry lands. It can be one of your kitchen garden plants. It is available on all seasons. It is named Manathakkali since it yields fruits in the bead form. As it resembles the look of pepper, it is also called as "Milagu Thakkali".

Each part of the plant has medicinal values. The parts like leaves, stem, fruit and root are used for preparing various medicines. People mostly dislike it since it tastes bitter. But it can offer you a long life when consumed periodically.

All the edible parts of this plant is worth eating and source protein, fiber, minerals and salts. It can be had along with cereals, as gravy and as soup. Let us see some of its medicinal values.

Mouth Sour

It is the best medicine for mouth sour and stomach ulcer. People, who are suffering from mouth ulcer, can keep the juice extracted from Manathakkali leaves for a while in their mouth and spit after some time. Doing this twice a day, will heal the sour quickly. The juice is also ideal for sours in stomach and intestine.

The sufferers are suggested to reduce the hot, salty and spicy foodstuffs in their meals.


Manathakkali leaves are good for strengthening the heart. The leaves have to be cooked adding ginger, garlic, cumin seeds, pepper and should be had regularly for supplying enough strength to the heart.

Skin sour and White patches

It is also ideal for healing the skin sour. When the leaves are consumed continuously for more than a week, the skin gets a new and shining look.

Many people suffer from white patches. When they appear in visible areas like face and hands, they get depressed with their self-image.  Rub the Manathakkali juice against the white patches seen on the skin when you take bath everyday; you might observe the patches disappear slowly.

Common Medicinal Values of Manathakkali leaf

1) Reduces fever
2) Drives fatigue
3) Reduces the intensity of fits
4) Cures prolonged headache
5) Heals boils and reduces inflammation
6) Cures constipation and ulcer
7) Balances the body heat
8) Ideal medicine for jaundice sufferers
9) Kills germs in the intestine
10) Increases the memory power
11) Reduces tummy fat when had regularly
12) Reduces inflammation due to piles
13) Cures liver diseases
14) Purifies blood and provides good sleep
15) Ideal medicine for mouth ulcer, stomach ulcer, sour throat and sours in intestine

Benefits of Manathakkali raw fruit

1) Removes body pain
2) Removes fatigue and keeps the body brisk
3) Expels the poisonous liquid present in the body
4) Drives away the vomiting sensation

Benefits of Manathakkali fruit

1) Removes pain in the ear
2) Reduces fever
3) Cures gasping in the stomach
4) Offers strength to the uterus
5) Supports pregnancy

Benefits of Manathakkali root

1) There is no natural medicine that can replace Manathakkali root for curing constipation.

2) The root is used for preparing various siddha and ayurvedic medicines

Mineral contents of Manathakkali (in 100g leaves)

1) Calcium - 400mg
2) Phosphorous - 70mg
2) Iron - 20 mg
4) Vitamin C - 10mg

Besides the above, it also contains required cholesterol and fiber. Consume this precious herbal leaves and attain good health.


  1. a very initiative research. thank you

  2. Siddha physician packiam,

    Thank you for your valuable comment and encouragement.

  3. your comments are very useful for me.thank you very much.

  4. Thank you for the appreciation. Glad to know that it was useful for you.

  5. where can I get the seeds of manathakkali for growing in USA?

    1. Manathakkali seeds are available only in India. Or can buy the saplings and plant. Saplings are available in nurseries. You can ask the nurseries for availability of seeds also. Planting procedure is available online.

  6. can we eat raw leaves in empty stomach ?? if so what are the benefits?? can anyone ans pls

    1. Better to eat cooked leaves always and eat it in empty stomach. A simple stir fry will yield you good benefits.The benefits are already mentioned in the post.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
