Saturday 2 July 2011

Rambutan - A tropical fuit

Fruits offer the required vitamins and minerals directly to the human body when consumed. They have got many medicinal values. But people today consume drinks that are prepared adding chemicals and avoid the natural products that the earth offers us. These drinks are not good for health in anyway. It is essential for people to have fruits that provide plenty of vitamins and minerals to the body.

Rambutan is a fruit that grows in Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. It also grows in some parts of Srilanka. In India, it grows in the Kodaikanal hills. The botanical name of the fruit is Nephelium lappaceum. The skin covering the Rambutan fruits has a natural red color and has many tubular outgrowths resembling the hair. When you cut open the fruit, you can see the eatable edible part appearing in white color. The seed inside the fruit is observed in elliptical shape. Rambutan fruits are available on all seasons.

A 100g of Rambutan fruit has:

Water – 82.3g
Protein – 0.46g
Carbohydrate – 16.02g
Sugar – 2.9g
Dietary Fiber – 0.24g
Calcium – 10.6mg
Phosphorus – 12.9mg
Ascorbic acid – 30mg

Let us see the medicinal values of the fruit.


It is important that you eliminate all wastes present in your body and they are sent out in the form of urine. The urine has to be properly separated from the blood. Otherwise the wastes get deposited in your kidneys creating blockages. This leads you to experience an irritating sensation while passing out urine. Having Rambutan fruits regularly can save you from this problem.
Body heat

Due to the body heat, the bile increases creating more diseases. Rambutan is capable of reducing body heat.

It is advised that you have this fruit in the afternoons as eating during the night hours causes cold.


Eliminates sweat

Sweating is very essential to the human body. A body that does not sweat properly is prone to many diseases caused through infections. Rambutan serves as an excellent fruit for eliminating sweat from your body. Human skin is built with many tiny pores that expel the sweat from the body. Rambutan is good for preventing sweat blockages in these pores.


Rambutan is believed to stop diarrhea when had during the problematic days.


Rambutan is very good for improving fertility in men. It can strengthen the sperms and the related nerves in the body.

Rambutan is available in all super markets that sell fruits imported from various countries. Have Rambutan and achieve lot of health benefits.

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